
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Market Fresh

Sunday is my day. Sunday is the day I clean, cook, relax, read and such. I like to start Sundays by reading the newspaper, drinking my coffee and listening to CBC radio. Since I started working Monday to Friday, it has been the best part of the week.
Today I had nothing for my morning smoothie, as it is grocery day (more on that later). So it was avocados on flax bread (bought last week at the market) with orange juice, bridgehead coffee with almond milk and the Globe and Mail. Good Sunday morning. This was followed up by a trip to the byward market to pick up some fresh veggies for the week. I didn't puck up much this week as I still have some left overs. I try to alternate weeks, last week I went to Brewer Park market to pick up veggies and other stuff. I also stopped at the bakery for some fresh baked bread.
I seem to be incapable of going to the market without making a stop into Lush. I love Lush and can never say enough good things about their products and their staff. I have never been into a store where being a regular meant that you and the staff are on a first name basis and they always have time to chat. Its truly one of the best stores. When I was going through a rough time I would go in and talk with the employees and buy something to cheer myself up. Its truly a great place. They just started carry for a limited time their Gorilla perfumes. Theses are a set of perfumes that are on 'tour' to all of the lush stores. Not only are the scents amazing, but they come with a little story and the cutest little packaging. I pick up two and high recommend anyone to pick up the voice of reason. It smells a little strong at first, like a campfire, but once it settles on the skin it is amazing. Sun is a fun citrus smelling perfume. I will be returning for more!

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